Persons, Actors, Agents: from Aquinas' intellectus agens to actor-networks and AI agents


Persons, Actors, Agents: from Aquinas' intellectus agens to actor-networks and AI agents

דניסה קרה רשף | מדע טכנולוגיה וחברה
מס הקורס | 278113-01

סוג הקורס: הרצאה
היקף נ"ז: 4
שנת לימודים: 2023-2024
סמסטר: א+ב
יום ושעה שלישי 14:00-16:00
שעת קבלה: בתיאום
מייל מרצה:

Target outlineתיאור הקורס ומטרות למידה

תקציר הקורס (להרחבה)

The course will explore the concepts of personhood, actor, and agency across various disciplines, including law, theater, and philosophy. Students will examine historical and contemporary perspectives on agency, particularly in relation to AI and non-human entities. The discussions will trace intellectual developments from medieval theories of free will to modern principles of vitalism and cybernetics, critically assessing the implications of extending personhood and agency to AI in our current legal and ethical frameworks. This inquiry into the concept of agency will provide a foundational understanding of how historical concepts influence contemporary debates on natural persons, AI agency, and rights.


מטרות/תוצרי הלמידה (להרחבה)

Upon completing the course, students will be able to connect historical and philosophical discussions about personhood, agency, and actors to contemporary debates on AI agents in the context of ethical and regulatory debates. They will understand the genealogical evolution of these concepts and critically analyze their relevance and application in current legal and ethical considerations surrounding AI. The synthesis of past and present knowledge will equip students to engage thoughtfully in shaping future policies and frameworks for AI and non-human agency.



Gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical and philosophical evolution of the concepts of personhood, actor, and agency.

Understand the interdisciplinary implications of these concepts within the realms of law, ethics, and artificial intelligence.

Develop an awareness of the debates surrounding non-human agency and the ethical considerations of AI as potential bearers of rights.


Analyze complex philosophical texts and legal documents to extract relevant theories and arguments.

Engage in critical thinking and reasoned debates concerning the application of traditional philosophical concepts to contemporary issues in technology and AI.

Synthesize historical and current perspectives to formulate informed opinions and arguments regarding AI ethics and policy.


Cultivate a sensitivity to the ethical dimensions of technology and artificial intelligence, especially concerning the rights and responsibilities of non-human agents.

Appreciate the importance of historical context in shaping contemporary policy and ethical frameworks in technology.

Develop a responsible approach to the design, implementation, and regulation of AI systems, considering broader societal impacts and ethical implications.


Abacus outline למידה פעילה - תכנון מהלך השיעורים: (להרחבה)


הערכה תהליכית/מעצבת (להרחבה)

צפיה נדרשת

למידה פעילה

נושא השיעור

מס' השיעור


“Sources of the Self" by Charles Taylor.

Discussion and mapping of key issues

Introduction to Agency and Personhood



"The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy" edited by A. S. McGrade.

Santis, D. D., & Tropia, A. (2024). 


“John Duns Scotus on the Human Cognition of Singulars in the Present State.” Anna Tropia in “Rethinking Intentionality, Person and the Essence. 

Debate on free will and agency in medieval thought; role-play scenarios to explore different viewpoints

Medieval Theories of Agency



"Aquinas on Human Self-Knowledge" by Therese Scarpelli Cory

Group discussion on definitions of personhood and agency from historical perspectives

Personhood and agency in Aquinas



Selected plays by Shakespeare (such as "Hamlet" and "The Merchant of Venice") along with philosophical texts from the period, such as excerpts from Machiavelli’s "The Prince"

Analyze and perform selected scenes to understand the actor's role in personifying philosophical ideas

Renaissance Views on Actors and Agency



The Phenomenology of Spirit" by G.W.F. Hegel (master and slave passages)

Students create mind maps linking modern philosophy with the evolving concept of the actor

Modern Philosophy and the Emergence of the "Actor"



"Creative Evolution" by Henri Bergson

Group presentations on how vitalism influenced the understanding of agency and actors

Vitalism and the Philosophy of Life



"Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine" by Norbert Wiener

Simulation games to demonstrate system feedback and control mechanisms

Early Theories of Cybernetics and Systems



“Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory" by Bruno Latour.

Case studies analysis using ANT to examine non-human actors within networks

Agency in Actor-Network Theory



“Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind" by Susan Schneider

Panel discussion: Should non-human actors have rights? Include ethical, legal, and societal perspectives

Non-Human Agency and Rights



Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong" by Wendell Wallach and Colin Allen

Students draft potential laws governing AI personhood and agency; peer review sessions

AI and Personhood in Contemporary Debate



Philosophical Perspectives on AI Agents

Philosophy café: Informal discussions including the public on AI agency and its moral implications 

Philosophical Perspectives on AI Agents



Texts on AI agents/agency in legal contexts

Mock trial to explore the consequences of granting legal agency to AI

Legal Implications of AI Agency 



Case studies on AI impact in various sectors: "AI at War: How Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning are Changing Naval Warfare" edited by Sam J. Tangredi

Role-playing AI agents in daily life

The Role of AI Agents in the Future



Guidelines and ethics codes for AI design and implementation: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics" by Vincent C. Müller,

Workshop on designing ethical AI systems, incorporating stakeholder analysis and ethical decision-making frameworks

Ethical Design and Regulation of AI



*ייתכנו שינויים בסילבוס בהתאם לקצב ההתקדמות ואפקטיביות הלמידה

Clipboard Badge outlineציון סופי 

תיאור התוצר

משקל בציון הסופי

Assignments in class

30% מהציון הסופי 

Final paper

70% מהציון הסופי 


Checklist outlineדרישות הקורס

Participation in class discussions, in-class assignments, and peer assessment, including opening and leading a discussion topic (week): 50%

Students will be expected to read the papers before class, participate in discussions, and engage in in-class assignments (including peer assessment and feedback). They will individually select a week to open and lead class discussion by preparing a 20-minute presentation summarizing the main questions and positions of the papers assigned for that week. They will be encouraged to find a creative way to present the material and engage the class with 3-5 discussion points.


Final paper (reflection of the process and results): 50%

Assessment criteria include the ability to meet the formal criteria of a policy memo (explained in class and separate document), define and address the appropriate audience, provide empirical evidence (based on research of papers and data), provide a comprehensive, balanced, and focused argument, clearly defined scope, and recommendations.


Diploma outline דרישות קדם



Headphones outline

ביבליוגרפיה: תכנים לקריאה, צפיה והאזנה




Bergson, Henri. Creative Evolution. Translated by Arthur Mitchell, Dover Publications, 1998.




Cory, Therese Scarpelli. Aquinas on Human Self-Knowledge. Cambridge University Press, 2015.




Donaldson, Sue, and Will Kymlicka. Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights. Oxford University Press, 2011.




Hegel, G.W.F. The Phenomenology of Spirit. Translated by A.V. Miller, Oxford University Press, 1977.




Latour, Bruno. Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Oxford University Press, 2005.




McGrade, A. S., editor. The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 2003.




Müller, Vincent C. "Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta, Spring 2020 Edition,




Schneider, Susan. Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind. Princeton University Press, 2019.




Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Edited by Harold Jenkins, Methuen, 1982.




Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Edited by John Russell Brown, Methuen, 1955.




Tangredi, Sam J., editor. AI at War: How Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning are Changing Naval Warfare. US Naval Institute Press, 2020.




Taylor, Charles. Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity. Harvard University Press, 1989.




Wallach, Wendell, and Colin Allen. Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong. Oxford University Press, 2009.




Wiener, Norbert. Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. The MIT Press, 1961.